Page 11 - Lets Talk Winter 2015 | Lipton Chartered Accountants
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Let’s Talk Winter 2015
marketplace. Those sold in the United States address bar if the site is secure. Notice that to protect you, but they may not always
may not carry a warranty for Canadian the URL of a secured website will begin be respected.
consumers. If the product is a “lemon” with “https://” and not http://.
you are at the mercy of the seller to either Exercise Due Diligence
5. Although it has been said many times, it
repair it or provide a replacement. Before Since the day commerce began, there have
purchasing online, it is always wise to check is worth repeating: do not provide credit always been individuals and organizations
bent on taking advantage of the unsuspecting
with the manufacturer to determine whether card numbers over the Internet to any
the product warranty is country-specific or organization unless your connection is
consumer. Internet purchasing has not
international. secure, as noted above. Never send your changed the nature of those who wish to
credit card information by email. Email is make a fast buck. It has, however, changed
Make Sure Your Online Buying Is Secure not secure. the way purchases are made – thereby
To protect themselves, online purchasers introducing new ways people and systems
6. Use available independent organizations
should also keep this advice in mind. can be manipulated. Consumers ordering
to ensure the company you are dealing
1. An order placed using a public Wi-Fi with is reputable. Your local Chamber of online must follow safe communication
protocols as well as exercise due diligence
network, such as at a local coffee shop, Commerce as well as the Better Business before making purchases. Ecommerce is
may not be secure or encrypted. Bureau are useful starting points to
generally safe and secure, but, in both the
discover the reputation of companies.
bricks-and-mortar world and online, it never
2. Your operating system, browser and Keep in mind that mere payment of
malware protection should be up to date. membership dues to these organizations hurts to be cautious.
Since many downloaded updates include does not always mean a company is an
Caveat emptor.
code to patch known vulnerabilities, it is outstanding citizen of commerce. Search
strongly advisable to keep all your devices blogs, or ask your friends or business
current. Check your system at least once associates whether they have ever
a week to see whether it has the latest purchased goods and services from the
updates. Don’t ignore those notices that company. BRyan WalDERman
tell you an update is available and if you Bryan has been providing the accounting
want to install it now. 7. Whenever possible, use online payment industry with technology solutions for over
services, such as PayPal, that act as a buffer a decade. In an ever changing world, where
3. With the ubiquitous availability of technology is constantly evolving, Bryan
between you and the merchant. To protect
application software (apps) and an ir reputation, many payment services keeps Lipton in-touch and onside and also
expectation of security through the monitor transactions with suppliers and assists our clients in doing the same.
device’s app store, it is easy to become merchants for abnormal activity. Using a
careless about downloading apps. For payment service is not, however, going to
example, you may find an app claiming to protect you from a merchant who ships
allow online searching for the location of faulty goods or fails to honour return
stores of a merchant you like. Check out policies or warranties, but it may prevent
the company’s website before installing unscrupulous individuals from gaining
or using that app. For all you know, access to your banking or credit card
the company does not have an app, or information.
the official app may go by a different
name – and a hacker has simply offered 8. Most companies want to obtain as much
a counterfeit copy for the unsuspecting information as possible about their
to download. By downloading and using customers and use warranty registration
the counterfeit, you may be inadvertently questions as a means of gathering that
providing personal information to an information. Since we like to comply, we
identity thief. willingly provide serial numbers, model
numbers and our name and address as
4. Look for the padlock icon. The symbol they seem to be a logical requirement
suggests that the website is encrypted for registration. Beyond that, be cautious
via SSL (secure sockets layer) or TLS when providing information, especially
(transport layer security). The browser when ordering from companies that are
should show a padlock icon near the not household names. Privacy laws exist
Let’s Talk Winter 2015
marketplace. Those sold in the United States address bar if the site is secure. Notice that to protect you, but they may not always
may not carry a warranty for Canadian the URL of a secured website will begin be respected.
consumers. If the product is a “lemon” with “https://” and not http://.
you are at the mercy of the seller to either Exercise Due Diligence
5. Although it has been said many times, it
repair it or provide a replacement. Before Since the day commerce began, there have
purchasing online, it is always wise to check is worth repeating: do not provide credit always been individuals and organizations
bent on taking advantage of the unsuspecting
with the manufacturer to determine whether card numbers over the Internet to any
the product warranty is country-specific or organization unless your connection is
consumer. Internet purchasing has not
international. secure, as noted above. Never send your changed the nature of those who wish to
credit card information by email. Email is make a fast buck. It has, however, changed
Make Sure Your Online Buying Is Secure not secure. the way purchases are made – thereby
To protect themselves, online purchasers introducing new ways people and systems
6. Use available independent organizations
should also keep this advice in mind. can be manipulated. Consumers ordering
to ensure the company you are dealing
1. An order placed using a public Wi-Fi with is reputable. Your local Chamber of online must follow safe communication
protocols as well as exercise due diligence
network, such as at a local coffee shop, Commerce as well as the Better Business before making purchases. Ecommerce is
may not be secure or encrypted. Bureau are useful starting points to
generally safe and secure, but, in both the
discover the reputation of companies.
bricks-and-mortar world and online, it never
2. Your operating system, browser and Keep in mind that mere payment of
malware protection should be up to date. membership dues to these organizations hurts to be cautious.
Since many downloaded updates include does not always mean a company is an
Caveat emptor.
code to patch known vulnerabilities, it is outstanding citizen of commerce. Search
strongly advisable to keep all your devices blogs, or ask your friends or business
current. Check your system at least once associates whether they have ever
a week to see whether it has the latest purchased goods and services from the
updates. Don’t ignore those notices that company. BRyan WalDERman
tell you an update is available and if you Bryan has been providing the accounting
want to install it now. 7. Whenever possible, use online payment industry with technology solutions for over
services, such as PayPal, that act as a buffer a decade. In an ever changing world, where
3. With the ubiquitous availability of technology is constantly evolving, Bryan
between you and the merchant. To protect
application software (apps) and an ir reputation, many payment services keeps Lipton in-touch and onside and also
expectation of security through the monitor transactions with suppliers and assists our clients in doing the same.
device’s app store, it is easy to become merchants for abnormal activity. Using a
careless about downloading apps. For payment service is not, however, going to
example, you may find an app claiming to protect you from a merchant who ships
allow online searching for the location of faulty goods or fails to honour return
stores of a merchant you like. Check out policies or warranties, but it may prevent
the company’s website before installing unscrupulous individuals from gaining
or using that app. For all you know, access to your banking or credit card
the company does not have an app, or information.
the official app may go by a different
name – and a hacker has simply offered 8. Most companies want to obtain as much
a counterfeit copy for the unsuspecting information as possible about their
to download. By downloading and using customers and use warranty registration
the counterfeit, you may be inadvertently questions as a means of gathering that
providing personal information to an information. Since we like to comply, we
identity thief. willingly provide serial numbers, model
numbers and our name and address as
4. Look for the padlock icon. The symbol they seem to be a logical requirement
suggests that the website is encrypted for registration. Beyond that, be cautious
via SSL (secure sockets layer) or TLS when providing information, especially
(transport layer security). The browser when ordering from companies that are
should show a padlock icon near the not household names. Privacy laws exist